Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Next Day-Shattering the Hero of Major Tom

The Next Day is a combination of all things Bowie, yet he continues to be modern, and he is always unique and unsurpassed.  Their are tones from Low, notes from his debatable 80's period, drug references from his struggles, and the happy new Bowie that has shed "Major Tom" and finally found the axe to break the ice; he has come down right now.  He sings fast like his cocaine days, "goth" like his Nine Inch Nails collaborations, adds horns ablaze to back up his ever changing voice, and he goes from dark to light in a second.  Everyone can find some reference to their own life in this album, and it is a fitting release for a "retired" musician, proving that he is an innovator for immitators.  You can tell that David thought he was going to die, and he contemplates death in a "non Elliot Smith" way, referencing his high regard for life, teenage sex, drugs, and living life to the fullest, not letting the orgiastic future recede him.  He never stopped being cool, yet he references, "flying to be cool again," true circular life in motion.  I will listen to this over and over, and I will continue to find new things, references to old things that I did not catch before, and it makes me contemplate every possible human emotion.  Thanks again Mr. Bowie!

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